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Egyik ilyen szervezése a Jótékonysági Beszélgetés-sorozat „Charity Conversation Series” elnevezéssel, melyben sikeres producereket, rendezőket, színészeket hívnak meg egy 1 órás szűkkörű (kb 50 fő) közönségtalálkozókra, melynek jegybevételét fordítják a jótékonykodásra.
Tegnap este Allison Mack volt a vendégük. Az interjút a TOVÁBB mögött olvashatjátok angolul.
We will be live-Tweeting the Q&A reception with Allison Mack and Kelly Souders starting...NOW!
Allison has arrived with questions for Kelly that she wrote in her journal. "I'm journal obsessed," she smiles.
First Q from Kelly What's greatest misconception ppl have of you? Allison: I think people think I'm more sure of myself than I am.
Allison also says she can rely on a false bravado when she feels uncomfortable. "It's how I learned to cope."
"Why would you think I could direct!? What!?" Allison's response to Alan Miles' offer.
"I put a lot of pressure on myself...the fact that I'm 1 of 4 female directors that we had on [Smallville] and I was the youngest"
"When you're an actor, you're under a microscope...everything you do has an impact that's magnified." - Allison Mack
Kelly Souders came on staff at #Smallville and at the time was the only woman above-the-line.
The first time Allison directed she says she wanted to know everything but was just trying to keep her head above water.
The second time she directed, Allison was able to see her failures better, knowing what she didn't know. nvo
Kelly praises the #Smallville crew: "The amazing crew won't let what you don't know shine through."
@wingster55 Sorry for the typo. Trying to keep up with excited talk!
Kelly would love to use media to give people insight in comfortable lives insight into what it is like in less fortunate areas.
Kelly does a lot of work in Kenya, working with women who came out of war-torn areas.
"We don't see media as the tool that is is." - @allisonmack
Allison talks bout viral video, blogging, social media as being the next tool/wave as a platform. Shout out to Legendary campaign!
Allison is taking pause right now in her career so she can be more deliberate before she jumps into the next (cont) tl.gd/e151sn
Allison says she has been acting since 4 but didn't really understand what she was doing until 9.
Allison was on stage, doing a scene with a voice in the distance; she says everything slowed & she was (cont) tl.gd/e152dq
When you do a TV show like #Smallville it's so difficult to get those moments because we're moving so quickly!
"The worst thing ever when you're acting...is when you're so disconnected that you're...going "blah blah blah (cont) tl.gd/e1530q
Allison says she also had that moment of presence doing Shakespeare over the summer. "It's addicting, and it's a problem for me!"
@iliana_1 Yes definitely. Our photographer is taking lots of great shots right now
Shout out to @asteponline from @allisonmack! ASTEP is the org that is benefitting from IBG's Conversation event today. Check em out!!
IBG is currently filming the Conversation with Allison Mack and Kelly Souders. DVD available soon! Also check our blog for BTS photos!!
Kelly says she and Brian Peterson have a lot of conversations about what they'll write next, based on trying to inspire people.
"We really need to have lunch. We really need to talk. I'm desperate to find writers!" - Allison to Kelly
Kelly has a friend who worked at the refugee camp in #TheConstantGardener. She called Kelly to tell her they (cont) tl.gd/e154vc
Allison points out a lot of her filmmaker friends with philanthropic ties, their great influence is often #StarWars.
"There is a sense of responsibility that each of us has. It was cool we lasted as long as we did being as wholesome as we were."
"I did Chloe for so long I don't have a lot of memories of the characters I did before." - Allison.
"But I think I found a piece of myself in every character; then as I was playing them I found more and more & that character had more of me"
You have to play what you want them to write" - Allison on how an actor's influence adds subtext, context to the writers' work.
With "Roulette," writers saw chemistry with Chloe and Oliver because of what Allison and Justin were doing and decided to make them a couple
Kelly says it works both ways. A guest actor once had no chemistry for what was supposed to evolve into a love story. Rewrite!
"When you get that kind of chemistry, as a writer, it's such a gift." - Kelly Souders
"As I grew, Chloe did as well" - Allison, who would find herself coming in to monologues delivering morality (cont) tl.gd/e156cm
Allison says a lot of why she is so involved in world causes is because of Chloe's influence.
Allison doesn't like to watch her own movies, but she is curious to see the completely unlike her role she played in #Marilyn.
One word answer question time! If she weren't an actor, Allison would be a musician. Live anywhere? NYC? Fave visit place? Syria.
Allison would love to have dinner with John Lennon. Greatest global concern? Apathy. Fave holiday? Christmas.
If Allison could be any rockstar: John Lennon. Too easy? She says Joni Mitchell. Movie she hated? Horrible Bosses. Movie swept her away? One
Also, Allison was swept away by #TheMessenger b/c of what she learned about Joan of Arc. She was "so moved" by her story.
Turn the tables on Kelly: Not a writer, Kelly would be in landscape architecture. Apparently, that's what Kristin's dad does...
If Kelly could live anywhere: Rome. Fave place to visit? Safari in Kenya. Have dinner with Maya Angelou. Greatest global concern: violence.
What makes Kelly laugh: "my kid, who found his Halloween candy that I had stashed really high..." he found it & said "accidentally ate it"
Kelly's fave holiday is also Christmas. Favorite rockstar: David Bowie or Joan Jett. Allison says she could wear a "codpiece AND a wig"
Kelly doesn't want to offend anyone but she "wanted to throw herself through the plane" when she saw #EatPrayLove.
Both Kelly and Allison love Javier Bardem, though. Allison wants to just have a wallpaper of him behind her eyes.
Allison is recommending #2046 as a movie Kelly needs to see. "it's a bit artsy, but it's very good."
Q from audience: Kelly, what was the fave #Smallville script you wrote? She says she has never thought about it before but the finale...
Also, Kelly has moments in episodes she loves: Jonathan's scene in #Homecoming comes to mind. Anything emotional for characters.
"Writing the very last words, kind of seeing everybody off" was a beloved moment for Kelly.
Allison's favorite episode was the one in which Chloe was a Brainiac. She said it was super fun to film...especially tossing Tom around.
"He tossed me around for ten years; it was fun to finally be able to do it to him. How do you feel now!?"
During the filming, Allison was also prepping to direct, so she had a lot of places to put the excess energy.
Kelly says the role she is dying to play is Joan of Arc. She'd love to give her own take on her.Current shows the panel would love to work on? Allison says it's bad, but she doesn't watch TV.
"There are people that I'd like to work with that are on TV right now"-- like on #NurseJackie, says Allison. Shows w/strong central females.
Kelly says she and Brian only consulted on #TheSecretCircle for a little while. Now they are devoted to their new pilot.
@wingster55 Us, too!! We're taking theories lol
"Writers can be behind the screen and no one can pay attention to it but the vulnerability of being in front of (cont) tl.gd/e15a2h
"Likewise," Allison returns the love. "We'll join each other's fan club."
No Chloe and the kid questions?!? Kelly says she'll address it; she had been clueless at first about the reaction...
"I kept getting dumped! I kept, like, dating monsters!" Allison says of Chloe.
Kelly says she and Brian sat down and decided Chloe was the one character who had to "get it all" b/c she had been through so much
She's the one who is working so hard in the hero world at the end of the finale, and her love life finally fell into place.
"In our minds, literally, the reasons why we didn't have any working part of it was because it didn't cross our (cont) tl.gd/e15apb
Allison finds the interaction with the fans fascinating and loves that online, they can also get insight into why and how decisions are made
Kelly hopes as time goes on there will be more communication back & forth. She says she DOES pay attention to blogs and comments.
Why didn't Clark fly? Kelly says she wanted to respond to the blogs w/"Here's the budget." She wanted him to but...
People online have thousands of opinions, but if the consensus is that everyone hates a character or story arc, Kelly pays attention.
"The fans are the reason we get to write!" - Kelly Souders
"The fact that fans are talking on the internet and blogging has massively changed storytelling, and it will continue to do that."
"One thing we really had to become aware of is comics are 2D; you can go anywhere...trying to turn an hour (cont) tl.gd/e15bug
Kelly loved the relationship with Chloe and Clark, but if you stick to the comics, she doesn't belong there. The world is alive.
Allison says b/c they all worked together for so long, they got to know each other better, professionally, than they knew their own characs
Allison says Tom would tell her at times "that's not in keeping with your character!" They'd help each other through it.
@wingster55 Oh, we know. We also aren't transcribing in full, so that probably makes it harder to dissect.
"There was an amazing sense of family" - Allison on the #Smallville set "You're in the trenches w/them & you (cont) tl.gd/e15cpg
"We're like white collar carnies-- people that work in film" - @allisonmack
But to work on #Smallville with the same people for ten years was a gift and really amazing for Allison.
Kelly says one of her best bizarre scenarios was when Rosenbaum finally decided to join in on the finale.
Originally he said he couldn't do it, and Kelly started prepping w/o him, but then he called and said he could, but only one day, next week
Major last minute rewrite for Kelly & Brian, get it approved, etc. But the finale kept going like that "whirlwind of crazy"
Allison and Kristin Kreuk started Parvati Creative to do the projects they wanted to see made but Allison left the co about a year ago.
The table at the @allisonmack event! Allison and Kelly taking table questions, wish you all could be here too! pic.twitter.com/PoW5bNvc
"I fell back in love with acting," she says, on why she left Parvati.
"When I did a play, I realized what it takes to actually be the actor I want to be" Allison would rather be (cont) tl.gd/e15ec5
Parvati is out to "change the dynamic of how we see our female icons," says Allison. A new wave in the media-- role models, leaders.
"I have a tendency to jump into the deep end with both feet and THEN figure out I don't want to do it." - Allison Mack
And that concludes our final Conversation Series of 2011! Thanks for following along!
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